Welcome to New Frontiers
The link to record your volunteer hours is located under the Members tab.
March Newsletter
Read about the Volunteer and Membership committees and the value they bring to New Frontiers.
And the Annual Spring Picnic in April.
Spring Picnic
The spring picnic is on Thursday, April 3rd, at Joe's BBQ.
RSVP by March 14th for this outing.
April Human Library
The Human Library is a place where real people are published
as open books for non-judgmental conversations.
Spring 2025 Schedule
Classes have started. It is never too late to enroll and register.
NFLL's spring schedule revision as of Jan 16 is available online.
Need a printed copy, please send an email with your name and mailing address.
President's Message
I'll admit to overthinking things, but one article was drawn to my attention and another I found—both in Time Magazine—on Third Places.
Propose a NFLL Class
Have an idea for a class to present this summer or next fall, head over to Propose-a-Class and complete the online form.
Volunteering Opportunity
We Care Wednesday is a food distribution event that takes place on the first Wednesday of every month at the Southern/Dobson campus, and the third Wednesday of every month at the Red Mountain campus.