hiking outdoor photo

Photos shared by our members - 2019

These are photos from the past. A majority of them are linked to an external user account. If there are any missing photos, it is probably the owner deleted those links.

Holiday Party at Mesa Country Club, Dec 12, 2019 Mary Kay Owen
Pass Mountain Trail, Usery Mountain Regional Park - Dec 10, 2019 Marie-France Ganansia and Fred Searing
Deem Hills Hike, Dec 6, 2019 Marie-France Ganansia and Allan Zisner
Marcus Landside, Dec 3, 2019   Fred Searing and Marie-France Ganansia
Piestewa Peak: Freedom Trail, Nov 22, 2019 Ron Schueman
Balanced Rock, Scottsdale AZ - Nov 19, 2019 Marie-France Ganansia
Rapa Nui & MOAI Class, Nov 15, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Peralta Trail, Nov 15, 2019 
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia and Bob Dukelow and Ron Schueman
NFLL Booth at Mesa Convention Center, "East Valley Healthy Living EXPO Lovin Life after 50." Caroline on the left, Dan on the right. Nov 13, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Desert Breeze - Nov 13, 2019 
Photo by Mary Adamick
Pinnacle Peak Trail in north Scottsdale, Nov 12, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia
Spear S Ranch Trail - Maricopa Trail, New River, AZ, Nov 8, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
Kiwanis Park, Temp - Nov 6, 2019, Nov 6, 2019
Photos by Mary Adamick and Linda Lindberg
Hieroglyphic Trail, Superstition Mountains, Nov 5, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia and Ron Schueman
Fall General Meeting on Dobson Campus, Nov 1, 2019
Photos by Gary Kleeman
Blue Point Oven Hike, Oct 29, 2019
Photos by various hikers
Painting with Melida, Oct 25, 2019
Photos by Allan Zisner & Melidas Swart
Arizona Lore, Oct 25, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
New Members Coffee, Oct 25, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Wind Cave Hike, Oct 25, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia and Ron Schueman
Canyon Lake Tour, Oct 23, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Slate, Quartz, and Go John Loop Trails, Cave Creek Regional Park, Oct 18, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
Empty Bowls at Dobson-Southern Campus, Oct 16, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen and Allan Zisner
Red Mountail Trail, Coconino National Forest, Oct 11 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman and Marie-France Ganansia
Veit Springs Loop Trail, Lamar Haines Memorial Wildlife Area, Oct 11 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
Walking Group - Riparian Preserve, Oct 9 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
West Fork Trail #108, Oak Creek Canyon, Oct 4, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman and Marie-France Ganansia
NFLL Open House Sept 20, 2019 Photos by Mary Kay Owen and Gary Kleemann
Twenty-two members attended the Out-to-Lunch at the Crackers & Co Cafe.
June 14, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Out-to-Lunch Bunch at the Stats Sports Grill, Mesa AZ - May 10, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Joint hike along the Horton Creek Trail, Tonto Forest - May 3, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
New Frontiers Volunteer Recognition Luncheon -
April 26, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen, Gary Kleemann and Video of Dennis Kavanaugh by Allan Zisner
NFLL Walkers Group - aka Crazy Mary Adamick's Group
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
North end of Mormon Lake, Arizona Trail - April 19, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
NFLL WalThe "Walkers" at the Gilbert Riparian -
April 17, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen and Mary Lindberg
West Fork Trail, Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona -
April 12, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
NFSpring Picnic - April 11, 2019
Photos and video by Allan Zisner
Photos and video by Mary Kay Owen
Cat's Peak Hike - April 9, 2019
Photos by Fred Searing and Bob Dukelow
United Food Bank food distribution - April 3, 2019
Photos Jennifer Wong
Spruce Mountain Trail via Groom Creek Trail, Prescott National Forest - April 5, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Mesa's Education Pass - March 29, 2019
Photos Mary Kay Owen and by Allan Zisner
Black Canyon Trail, Rock Springs - March 29, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
Casa Grande Regional Park - March 26, 2019
Photos by Fred Searing
New Frontiers General Meeting - March 22, 2019
Photos and video slide-show by Mary Kay Owen and photos by Gary Kleemann
Hearing Loss - March 18, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Sky Harbor Tour - March 15, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen, Gary Kleemann and by Susan Williams
Quartz Mine, Lost Creek and Mountain Was Trails, Skyline Regional Park - March 15, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
Coldwater, Gadsden, and Butterfield Trails at Estrella Mountain Regional Park - March 8, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman and Marie-France Ganansia
Eight weeks in the Balkans - March 7, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Desert Arroyo Park Walk - March 6, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
Balanced Rock, Scottsdale Preserve - March 5, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia
Dynamite & Goldmine Trails, San Tan Regional Park - March 1, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman and Marie-France Ganansia
Spring New Members Coffee - February 22, 2019
Photos by Gary Kleemann and Marie-France Ganansia
Pine and Ballantine Trails - February 19, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia
Lost Goldmine Trail, Apache Jct - February 15, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman, Steve Johnson and Marie-France Ganansia
Lower Salt River, Phon D Sutton - February 12, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia
Apache Wells Loop, Phoenix Sonoran Preserve - February 8, 2019
Photos by Ron Schueman
Riverview Park - February 6, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen
New Frontiers' Open House - January 25, 2019
Photos by Mary Kay Owen and Gary Kleemann
Quartz Ridge Trail - January 23, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia and Ron Schueman
Butcher Jones Hike - January 15, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia
Beverly Canyon hike - January 8, 2019
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia and Ron Schueman
New Frontiers Holiday Party - December 13, 2018
Photos by Marie-France Ganansia and Gary Kleemann

New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning
Mesa Community College, Red Mountain Campus
Community Connections
Desert Willow Building, Room 136B
7110 E McKellips Road
Mesa, AZ 85207