Facilitator's Tools
Facilitators are essential to the smooth presentation of NFLL classes and events. Facilitators communicate with the presenter, handle room set-up, help with use of the audio-video equipment, and report attendance. If you want to volunteer to be a facilitator, contact the NFLL Curriculum Chair or Social Committee Chair.
NFLL Office: 480-461-7497
Attendance: Student Rosters and Sign-in Sheets will be sent to you by your course gatekeeper before your class.
- Please print the sign-in sheet and ask attendees to sign in.
- If someone's name is not on the sheet, please encourage them to add it.
- Often the number of people attending may not agree with the number signed in. Please note how many people attended.
- Please report your class or event attendance as soon as possible after the session.
You can report attendance by answering a few questions on the Attendance Form.
Volunteer Hours: Please report your volunteer hours for facilitating or presenting this course by using the Volunteer Hour Report Form. Please include your travel time, planning time, and actual class time. We use these reports to invite members to the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon in the Spring and the hours are reported to MCC to show the value of NFLL to MCC and the community.
College Police: The telephone numbers to reach security are:
- Dobson and Southern Campus – 480-461-7046
- Red Mountain Campus – 480-654-7257
Access to Classrooms: Call the respective College Campus Police for the campus door that needs to be unlocked. Most locks are electronic so they are unlock remotely. DO NOT call until you are at the classroom door. Identify yourself as a NFLL Facilitator. They may ask for your MEID, so have it handy.
Do not go to any offices associated with your room to request assistance. It is the facilitator's responsibility to contact the campus police to unlock/lock the room.
Accessing Technology: Each classroom is equipped with technology including computer, internet access, DVD and video projection and software.
If the speaker has brought his/her own computer, you do not need to sign into the MCC system. You can allow the speaker to hook their computer into the projection system by using the connector wires on the podium. You turn on the overhead projector by pushing the buttons on the speaker console.
If the speaker needs to use the console computer, a NFLL member must sign into the system using their MEID number and password. In most cases, the system sign-in will ask for a Maricopa email address, which that is their MEID followed by @maricopa.edu. The format would be: ABC1234567 (three letters followed by seven digits @maricopa.edu).
If you are not sure of how to access technology in your classroom, please contact one of the Curriculum Committee co-chairs for a tutorial at least a week before your class.
Technical Support: MCC asks that you route all your technical issues through the Help Center by using the phone in the classroom. There is an auto-call feature on classroom phones by pushing the button.
Online Platforms
The presenter of the class selects the platform. Most used is Zoom, but WebEx is also a popular choice. The person setting up the meeting on the platform is considered "The Host" and has full control of the online meeting room but may share control by designating someone as the co-host. The link for the class is established by the Curriculum Committee during class scheduling.
If you are a host or co-host of an online presentation, you are responsible for greeting participants as they enter the room, muting audio during the presentation, facilitating discussion, reporting attendance, thanking the presenter for their time, and closing the meeting room at the end of the presentation.
NAIL co-sponsored classes
NFLL partners with the New Adventures in Lifelong Learning (NAIL) program at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. If you have volunteered to facilitate one of those courses, all you must do is use the roster sent to you to take attendance of those listed.
The students registered from NAIL will not be shown on your roster. You do not have to worry about reporting attendance on these students.
Report attendance to NFLL by giving the number of NFLL students attending and the total number of students in the class. You can find the total number by clicking on the 'Participant' tab. Report attendance by completing the Google Form for Attendance.
Off-Site Class:
In case of emergency, please follow the procedure of the facility, or use your cell phone to call 911. If you have any incidents requiring emergency assistance, please contact one of the Curriculum Chairs or the NFLL office after the class.
Meeting Location(s): The course confirmation letter has a meeting location for off-site classes. If this is different from what you are given in the facility, please put a "Room Change Notice" on the original spot
For tours and field trips, please wear your NFLL Name Tag to identify yourself to members. Please introduce yourself to the on-site director and ask them if there is any specific information to relay to NFLL members concerning the tour.