President's Message

NFLL—A Third Place
Informal Spots for Socializing Outside of Home and Work
I'll admit to overthinking things, but one article was drawn to my attention and another I found—both in Time Magazine—on Third Places. I had heard the term but not given it much thought. So, now I'll overthink it. I believe NFLL is a third place—a place that's safe and welcoming with friends, new and old, but isn't home or work.
An informal spot where people gather for socializing outside of home and work has always played a critical role in the fabric of society. In 1989, these spaces were particularly vital in combating the growing national epidemic of stress and isolation. I believe that Covid brought back that stress and isolation.
Combating Stress, Isolation, and Loneliness
Regular, voluntary, informal, and happily anticipated gatherings in third places became more important than ever with In our age group loneliness can be a killer starting with depression. Getting out and being with others who make us happy and aware is vital!
The Importance of Voluntary and Informal Gatherings
What makes these third places so special is the nature of the gatherings they host. Unlike structured events or mandatory meetings, the interactions in third places are spontaneous and voluntary. People choose to meet because they want to, not because they have to. This voluntary aspect makes the gatherings more enjoyable and meaningful, fostering genuine connections and friendships.
These gatherings allow people to exchange ideas, discuss current events, and engage in civic discourse. Their interactions help build a sense of community and shared understanding--essential for a functioning democracy.
New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning has become a third place for our members. Our active Social Committee has created simply social events, often coming up with alternatives to the usual to accommodate what people want; and our Curriculum Committee has created safe environments to explore topics and learn from each other as well as the instructors. We can help each other by sharing this third place and all working together to keep us going.
Thanks to Dan Taylor for sending me down this path!